For non-developers or users looking to quickly test Unize AI, we have created a playground in our API Dashboard which you can use to make requests to Unize AI without writing any code. You will need a verified Unize AI API account and a positive balance on your account (to see how to set up your account, please refer to the Initial Setup page).

Generating a Knowledge Graph

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to generate a knowledge graph using the Playground:

  1. Access the Playground by navigating to the Playground page.
Hero Light
  1. Click on the “Create Graph” button.
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  1. Input all required information listed on the Create Graph panel, then click “Save”.
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Add a New Document to Existing Graph

You can also add a new document to existing graphs! This allows you continually expand a knowledge graph, and Unize AI ensures that additional information is added in a coherent manner.

  1. Click on the existing graph you want to add a new document to.
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  1. Click on the “Add Document” button and repeat the process of inputting required information and clicking “Save”.
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Visualizing the Generated Knowledge Graph

To view the generated graph from the API Dashboard, navigate to the Playground and click on the execution_id of the graph you want to visualize. You will be redirected to the graph visualization page.

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The graph visualization page displays the nodes and relationships of the generated graph. You can interact with the graph by zooming in and out, dragging nodes, and clicking on nodes or relationships to view their properties.